The SIMfX Product Line

Structural Firefighting

Designed for the Structural firefighter who will be acting as a first responder to a variety of situations. This program can be used for simulating problems from simple dumpster fires to multi-agency emergencies.

Wildland Firefighting

Designed for the Wildland firefighter who may be acting as the initial attack crew, mop-up crew or management team. This program can be used to simulate anything from an abandon campfire to a major interface fire.

Hazardous Materials Incidents

Designed for the Haz-Mat team and assists them in learning how to assess and mitigate a Haz-Mat incident. This program can be used to show toxic spills, vapour clouds and other hazardous situations.

Airport Rescue and Firefighting

Designed for any department that will be called on to respond to an incident involving aircraft. This program can be used to simulate aircraft fires, crashes and evacuations.

Emergency Management Program
- EM 130

Designed for any department or agency that will be called upon to deal with any emergency. This program can be used to simulate events of any type and of any scale. It is a combination of all the four SIMfX programs listed above.

The complete SIMfX Simulator System
- BX130

The SIMfX Emergency Response Training Simulator system is completely self-contained. It comes with a copy of each of our software programs and includes all the necessary components for a simulation: LCD projector (also suitable for other uses), sound system, rear projection screen and dedicated computer... all housed in a sturdy transport case. The unit is designed to be portable. Everything is securely buckled in and the attached wheels make it very easy to move the unit around. It is extremely easy to set up - set up time is only 5-6 minutes. You simply supply the trainees with a few portable radios.

BX 130 Components:


A sturdy lightweight case is used to house all the component parts. Equipped with attached wheels and a lockable door, the unit is easy to move and safe for storage.

Computer System

A dedicated computer is used to run the program. No previous computer skills are required to operate the system.

Data Projector

Used to project the image onto the screen.

Rear Projection Screen

The 3' x 4' rear projection screen permits the trainees to stand in front of the "scene" as they would in real life.

Sound System

The large sound system will fill the room with realistic sounds that the trainees would encounter in the field.

Wildwood Resources Ltd. - (250) 832-2300 - Email: